28 - 06 - 2022 / Your Story
I am from Germany but I moved here in 2017 and was not here when both of the referendums took place but I actually feel both angry and sad that Scotland is not treated with the respect it should be in a Union of four countries.
22 - 06 - 2022 / Your Story
I am Slovakian by origin, and I have made Scotland my home since April 2006, working as Electrical Technician for Scottish Water. I had chosen to vote No because I wanted Scotland to remain in EU and watching International news there had not been the support in recognition of Scotland as independent country that time.
10 - 06 - 2022 / Your Story
I am a retired business consultant living near Edinburgh, but originally from Aberdeen. I voted No largely out of fear - my husband and I are dependent on public sector pensions, and we were worried that there might be problems with the payment of these if Scotland became independent.