22 - 08 - 2019 / Your Story
"The people of Scotland should be able to decide for themselves." Alan Cumming talks politics with Nick Sheridan on BBC Scotland's The Nine. Sharing his opinion on Brexit and what it means for Scottish Independence.
"In my crystal ball which is tinged by my political leanings. I would hope that the effects of Brexit and that leaked memo the other day with the medical supply issue, food shortages and high prices and even civil unrest, all being a potential outcome, will hopefully further and quicken Scottish Independence because I think that to me, would be the only positive thing to come out of this [Brexit] debacle.
"I feel more than ever, if you look at Brexit as another example of Westminster dictating a policy that Scotland didn’t want. That’s really, what independence is all about. I think the people of Scotland should be able to decide for themselves what they want to do. Like if they want to be in the EU, they should be allowed to be in the EU and I think there’s been generations of people who have seen, myself included, the poll tax onwards that Scotland is being used as an experiment, an experimental ground, as guinea pigs for Westminster policy.