26 - 05 - 2021 / Update


According to the Office of National Statistics, England and Scotland reported equal increase in real GDP economic activity by gross domestic product between 1998 to 2019

  • Of the four countries in the UK, England and Scotland reported equal increase in real GDP in 2019 at 1.3%

Annual estimates of economic activity by UK country, region and local area using gross domestic product (GDP). Estimates are available in current market prices and in chained volume measures and include a full industry breakdown of balanced regional gross value added (GVA(B)).

Of the areas within the UK, London witnessed the largest growth in real GDP in 2019 at 2.2%, with Scotland at 1.3%.

  • England's Annual growth in ‘real’ GDP (percentage) was equal to Scotland's of 1.3%
Source: Office for National Statistics - Regional economic activity by gross domestic product, UK: 1998 to 2019 - link

When comparing Scotland's performance against England (excluding London) the results show that England's Annual growth in ‘real’ GDP was 1.0% compared to Scotland's 1.3% and Annual growth in ‘real’ GDP per head is 0.4% and 0.8% respectively.

In order by gross domestic product (GDP) per head in current prices, the top 10 areas were in the London, South East, or Scotland.

Commenting, a Progress Scotland spokesperson said:

"When it comes down to the question of Scotland's constitutional future, a lot of factors come into play.

"Poll after poll show that economic matters are in the top questions that people have and today's report by the Office of the National Statistics shows that Scotland has been the top GDP growth and annual growth in GDP per head provider within the UK for a decade.

"These findings trend with polls that show more people want a Scottish government with more economic control rather than a UK government and with two-thirds of people believing Scotland will eventually become independent one day, we can look forward to a strong economic future once we have tackled the global pandemic"